Area D
Kazhaw, Area D
Area D is located at the northern fringe of Mound A. Excavations were only carried out in 2016. The decisive factor for the excavating of a small test trench at this location were anomalies visible on the magnetics, which indicated larger structures.
Just below the surface, large quarry stones were found, which were probably the remains of a larger wall or wall foundation. The chronological position of the wall is completely unclear, as the material found in the trench was completely mixed. A stratigraphic sequence could no longer be determined due to the heavily disturbed condition.

Regardless of whether the wall belongs to the settlement of the early 2nd millennium BCE or the Sasanian complex, it can be assumed that it only had a limited fortification purpose. Rather, it was probably a water protection measure against the water flow in a wadi at this location, which some older inhabitants of the nearby village of Bestansur told us about.