Area C
Kazhaw, Area C
Area C is located on the eastern fringe of Mound A. Several test trenches were excavated here in 2015 with the aim of clarifying anomalies visible on the magnetics. The whole area was probably already outside of the actual settlement. Two of the test trenches yielded only meager results. Only the remains of structures – including some kilns – were recorded. These were largely destroyed due to their proximity to the surface, leaving it completely unclear in what context they were used.

In a third test trench massive accumulations of pottery and other finds were documented, arranged in horizontal layers. The majority of the material dates to the early 2nd millennium BCE, but there were also numerous Sasanian objects. It is unclear whether these are remnants of walking surfaces or whether the layers piled up as part of waste routines. Also, a connection with the disposal of older material during the construction of the Sasanian fortress in Area B does not seem unlikely.